EYFS Delivery

Literacy and Numeracy

Al Madina is a Kindergarten with an Islamic ethos and we aim to bring Islamic principles to life through a strong Islamic ethos and environment. We will balance Islamic subjects & the UK National Curriculum to make sure that we produce an ethical, well-balanced, Islamically knowledgable generation of the future and chosen an excellent scheme of work for Literacy and Numeracy curriculum. It is a full-integrated course which incorporates an extensive phonics, reading, writing and numeracy program. The course offers considerable flexibility in order to make the most productive use of material within different classroom situations.


We have incorporated an excellent scheme of work to the curriculum provided by the Ministry of Education of Qatar.

How is EYFS delivered at Al Madina?

Our Kindergarten provide two types of activities : Both activities are planned based on the observations of children. This ensures that activities and learning is tailor made according to the need of  each individual child . These activities are in reflection with the learning areas of development and the EYFS principles.

Adult led activities

These activities are planned according to the Early Learning Goals set by the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and are adult directed One learning area is covered per day. These activities are usually carried out in small groups by the childcare practitioner

Child Initiated activities  

Here the children have the opportunity to put into practice what they have learnt in adult led activities and what they already know. Children are encouraged to carry out activities themselves, and are supported when and where necessary.

Al Madina Kindergarten has a variety of learning centers that  encourage children to

  • Select activities and resources independently
  • Being involved and concentrating;
  • Having their own ideas;
  • Finding new ways; and enjoying achieving what they set out to do